Different techniques used by a chiropractor to correct abnormal joint function or irritation (subluxation).

The primary objective of chiropractic medicine is to improve spinal joint function, normalize the body mechanics and help the natural ability of the body to heal.

Spinal adjustments to correct subluxations are what make doctors of chiropractic unique in comparison with any type of health care professional. The term “adjustment” refers to the specific force chiropractors apply to vertebrae that have abnormal movement patterns or fail to function normally.

The objective of the chiropractic adjustment is to reduce the subluxation, which when corrected results in an increased range of motion, reduced nerve irritability, reduced muscle spasm, reduced pain and improved function. The chiropractic adjustment often involves a gentle, quick and shallow thrusting motion applied to the vertebrae for the purpose of correcting movement and function.

Adjustments are often accompanied by an audible release of gas in the spinal joints that can sound like a “crack”. The sound can sometimes be surprising to hear the first time someone gets an adjustment, but the sensation is usually relieving. There are techniques that can be used to restore joint function that will not cause the “click, pop, or crack”, in the event these noises are something the patient does not like.

Occasionally, the treatment is more than a person’s body can handle at the time of care. Minor discomfort may be experienced following an adjustment because areas of the body that have been stuck and not functioning normally, are being stretched and movement is being restored. The doctor uses his or her experience to tailor treatment to each patient but in the unlikely event any discomfort is felt, let the doctor know and the treatment can be more gentle next time avoiding future discomfort. Always share your experience with each treatment with the chiropractor.